Clinics We Offer

Child Development and Immunisation Clinic

The practice no longer run teh Cild Development Clinic in surgery, Health Visitors will contact families to arrange.

Immunisations are completed by the Nurse within the normal nursing clinics.

Family Planning

Contraceptive care is provided by all doctors during practice hours.


  • Flu Vaccination - an influenza vaccination is particulary recommended for all patients over 65 and those with heart, kidney disease, diabetes adn asthma. Please contact reception staff in September for details of vaccination dates to make an appointment. District nurses are able to give vaccinations to those who are housebound.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccination - a pneumococcal vaccination is available to anyone over 65 and patients with chronic desease i.e. asthma, COPD and heart disease.
  • Covid 19 Vaccination - are offered because viruses change and protection fades over time. It’s important to top up your protection. If you're at increased risk of serious illness from COVID-19, getting a COVID-19 vaccine can:
  • help to reduce your risk of getting severe symptoms
  • help you to recover more quickly if you catch COVID-19
  • help to reduce your risk of having to go to hospital or dying from COVID-19
  • protect against different strains of COVID-19

Book your COVID-19 vaccine

  • RSV Vaccine - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. It usually gets better by itself, but it can be serious for some babies and older adults. You'll be able to get the vaccine if:
  • you're aged 75 to 79
  • you're 28 weeks pregnant or more – this will help protect your baby for the first few months after they're born
  • If you're eligible to receive this vaccine your GP surgery will contact you about getting vaccinated. Please wait to be contacted.

Click here for more information about vaccines.


Asthma Clinics

Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse for an asthma review.

Blood Pressure Clinics

If you wnat or need a BP check, please book an appointment to see our Health Care Assistant or Practice Nurse.

Cervical Smears

Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse if you are due your cervical smear.

Health Checks

If you require a health check you can book an appointment with our Health Care Assistant.

Health Visitors

Our Health Visitor cares for families with children younger tahn five year of age. She carries out devlopment checks on pre-school children, and can advise on matters such as feeding, growth and development. You can contact them by telephoning 0300 123 3444.

Maternity Services

Ante-natal checks are carried out by the Midwife. Post-natal checks for mum and baby are carried out by the doctor.


Community Midwives are based in the following locations: Castle Team (Rochester/Strood/Hoo/Peninsula) 01634 717755. All Saints Team (Chathma/Walderslade/Lordswood) 01634 337470. Riverside Team (Gillingham/St Marys Island/Rainham/Upchurch) 01634 382108. Swale Team ( Newington/Sittingbourne/Sheppey) 01795 879100. To book your pregnancy care yo do not need a referral from the doctor. You can refer yourself to have your baby at medway by simply completing the online referral form in the link below:

Go to Self-referral forms (

Nursing Services

Our Practice Nurse and Health Care Assistant provide regular monitoring for a number of conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, HRT, contraception, etc as well as general nursing services such as cervical smears, ECG, etc. We also run a stop-smoking service.

The District Nurse is part of a team of nurses. They provide care for patients in their own home. We can refer patients to this service.

Other Health Professionals

Your doctor works closely with other health professionals, and may refer you to any of the following:

  • Hospital Specialist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Podiatrist
  • Dietician
  • Audiologist
  • Counsellor

Stop Smokin Help

If you want help to stop smoking, including prescriptions for medications to help with this, please book an appointment at reception tosee our Health Care Assistant or visit Medway Stop Smoking Support via the following link: Stop smoking support | Medway Council

Travel Vaccines

We can give some travel vaccinesations. Please book an appoitnmetn with our Practice Nurse. Some travel vaccinations are not covered under the NHS and will be charged to you as a private service.